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Both moss walls and living walls have gained popularity in recent years as sustainability-oriented design elements for interiors and exteriors. These vertical garden systems not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of spaces but also offer a range of environmental and health benefits. However, choosing between the two can be a daunting task for potential clients. This article aims to provide a clear comparison between moss walls and living walls, highlighting the pros and cons of each.

Moss Wall Pros


Moss walls generally require little to no maintenance compared to living walls. They don’t need regular watering, pruning, or fertilization, and only require an occasional dusting.


Our preserved moss walls can last for many years without significant degradation, so long as the moss wall isn’t exposed to direct sunlight or excessive moisture.

Sound Absorption

Moss walls can act as natural sound absorbers, making them ideal for noisy environments.


Moss walls fall at a lower price point in comparison to living walls. This is because of reduced complexity regarding installation, fabrication, and upkeep.

Creative Capacities

Moss art can be integrated into any space, whether it’s a flat wall, cracks in your brick, or an oddly shaped space. Our moss art production allows for the use of any shape, design, or logo to be incorporated into the design, allowing for a completely customizable and unique creation just for you.

Moss Wall Cons

Limited Biodiversity

Our moss walls consist of only preserved mosses so that there is no maintenance required, however, this limits any added ecosystem value that would be achieved by incorporating live plants.

Lack of Active Growth

Unlike living walls, moss walls don’t actively grow, which means they don’t have the same air-purifying capabilities as living plants.

Living Wall Pros


Living walls can host a variety of plants and can attract local pollinators, promoting biodiversity.

Active Growth

The plants in living walls actively grow, which can enhance air purification capabilities.

Thermal Performance

Living walls can improve the thermal performance of buildings, acting as natural insulators.

Aesthetic Appeal

With a variety of plants, living walls can offer dynamic aesthetics that change with seasons.

Living Wall Cons


Living walls require regular maintenance, including watering, pruning, and fertilization.

Water Usage

Living walls consume more water compared to moss walls.

What’s your vertical garden preference?

Both moss walls and living walls offer unique benefits and have their own set of challenges. The choice between the two largely depends on the specific needs and preferences of the client. While moss walls are ideal for those looking for a low-maintenance and durable solution, living walls are perfect for those who want a dynamic and biodiverse greenery system.

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