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Applying Botanical and Environmental Knowledge to Construct Living Walls

Every space is unique. From sunlit atriums to shaded corridors, the environments we encounter vary in countless ways. This diversity demands a specialized approach, especially when it comes to integrating elements of nature, such as a living wall or vertical garden. At Vertical Garden Solutions, we harness the principles of biophilic design and environmental science to ensure that we’re tailoring living walls to the environment. Let’s delve into the nuances of our approach and understand how we adapt plant compositions based on the environmental aspects of a space.

Making the Most of Natural Light

Spaces blessed with abundant sunlight open up a world of possibilities in interior plant design. For these luminous environments, our living wall compositions lean towards sun-loving plants. The aim is to create an indoor oasis that revels in the warmth, featuring plants that not only thrive but also reflect the radiant energy of the space. For sunlight spaces with an excess of direct sunlight, we often opt for succulents, grasses and other plant species that thrive with an abundance of direct light exposure.

Celebrating Low-Light Environments

Not every space is bathed in sunlight, but that doesn’t mean it can’t host a thriving indoor vertical garden. For areas with limited natural light, we opt for shade-loving plants that flourish in low-light conditions. Ferns, pothos, and snake plants often find their way into these compositions, ensuring a lush green presence even in the dimmest corners.

Balancing Humidity: Tailoring Living Walls for Wet and Dry Climates

Humidity plays a pivotal role in plant health. For spaces with high humidity, such as spa areas, bathrooms and coastal exposure sites, we curate a vertical garden filled with tropical plants that relish moisture-laden environments. Conversely, for drier areas, our choice leans towards plants that prefer lower humidity, ensuring they remain robust and vibrant.

The Great Outdoors: Building Resilient Exterior Gardens

Outdoor plant walls and outdoor vertical gardens come with their own set of challenges, mainly due to the exposure to varying weather conditions. Our approach to these spaces is rooted in hardiness. We handpick plants that can withstand the elements, be it the scorching sun, chilly winds, or occasional frost. By marrying beauty with resilience, we ensure that these gardens not only look spectacular but also stand the test of time.

Crafting Vertical Gardens with Care and Expertise

At Vertical Garden Solutions, every living wall we design is a testament to our understanding of both plants and spaces. Drawing from the principles of biophilic design and the environmental sciences, we carefully consider every aspect of a space to create vertical gardens that thrive and inspire. Ready to transform your space with nature’s touch? Connect with us and let’s craft a living masterpiece together!